Manuscript in Rmd

26 Jul 2018

I am trying to figure out how to write a manuscript in R markdown. I am going to pen down all the issues that I face along the way on a Mac OSX 10.11.

  1. Create a project folder and a subdirectory ‘doc’ to save the manuscripts.
  2. RStudio -> File -> New File -> RMarkdown.
  3. Install, pandoc brew install pandoc
  4. Install TinyTex using tinytex::install_tinytex()
  5. To facilitate the installtion : tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
  6. If there is an error : LaTeX Error: File framed.sty not found - I) Do the following on Terminal- i) sudo tlmgr install titling ii)sudo tlmgr update –self iii) sudo tlmgr install framed
  7. Update TinyTex with devtools::install_github(‘yihui/tinytex’)
  8. Create a .bib file with all the citation keys and cite using, [@CiteKey].

Also, here is a link to the StackOverflow question I asked with respect to this issue.

Happy Writing!!

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